Year Round Mouse Control Tips to Keep Your Home Rodent Free in Every Season

Year-Round Mouse Control: Tips to Keep Your Home Rodent-Free in Every Season

There is no good time of year for mice to come into your home, so you need a plan to keep them away. These mice are very flexible and can get into your home at any time of the year to find food, shelter, and warmth. These tips will help you keep your home mouse-free all year, whether it’s summer, winter, or somewhere in between.

1.Lock up any entry points

Mice can get into your home through very small gaps, so it’s important to seal off any possible entry spots. Check the outside of your home often for gaps around pipes, vents, utility lines, doors, and windows. To close these holes, use glue, weatherstripping, or steel wool.

2.Keep your yard clean

Mice will be less likely to come into your home if you keep your yard clean and well-organized. Cut back plants that are getting too big, stack firewood away from your house, and get rid of any extra stuff. If mice can’t find good places to hide, they won’t come near your home as often.

3.Make sure you can get food

No matter the season, keep your food sources safe to keep mice away. Put trash, pet food, and things from the kitchen in containers that won’t let air in. Clean up crumbs and spills often, especially in places like behind appliances and under furniture that are hard to get to.

4.Use smells that keep mice away.

Mice are known to avoid certain smells. Peppermint oil or mothballs are natural ways to keep mice away. Put them near possible entry points or places where you’ve seen mice activity. For best results, replace or refresh these repellents every so often.

5.Plan ahead when setting traps

Traps are a good way to get rid of mice all year long. You should put them in places where you know mice like to hang out, like along walls, near food sources, and in dark spots. Check the traps often and get rid of any mice that are caught right away.

6.Keep your home clean

For year-round mouse control, you need to clean and fix up your home on a regular basis. Clear out your home of trash, vacuum often, and wipe down all the surfaces. Mice are less likely to move into a place that is clean and well-kept.

7.Think about barriers outside

To keep mice out of your home in the first place, put up outdoor barriers like gravel or trenches filled with gravel around the base. Mice will find it harder to dig or tunnel their way through these walls.

8.Keep warm and keep out the weather

To keep your home warm without letting mice in, you need to make sure it is properly insulated and weatherproofed. Look for damage in your walls, attic, and crawl areas that could let pests in. Fix or replace insulation that is damaged, and fill in any holes with weatherstripping.

9.Make sure the trash area is safe.

Mice are drawn to the smell of trash, so it’s important to keep your trash safe. Use bins with tight lids and store them inside a garage or shed instead of outside. Clean your trash cans often to get rid of smells.

10.Pest control by professionals

If you have a mouse problem that won’t go away or want to make sure you’re safe all year, you might want to hire a professional pest control service. They know how to find and get rid of mouse problems and have the right tools to do it.

11.Watch for changes in the seasons

Different times of the year may bring different mouse problems. In the winter, mice might come inside to stay warm and safe. In the summer, they might come inside to find food and water. Keep a close eye on things and change how you use the mouse as needed.

In conclusion

For a pest-free home, controlling mice all year long is important. You can make it less likely for mice to move into your home by following these tips and staying alert all year long. Remember that stopping an invasion before it gets out of hand is often easier and cheaper than dealing with it after the fact, so take steps to keep your home rodent-free all year.

Mice Control Newmarket, we are fully aware of every detail associated with mice. We know just how inquisitive and destructive these tiny rodents can be, and even though they are highly evasive, we have devised several procedures to track down every last one of them on an infested property.