
What do bed bugs look like?

The bed bug is a small insect that lives by feeding on the blood of humans while they sleep. It has a flat body, six legs, and is entirely brown in color. It can be mistaken for a termite because of their similar appearance. Bed bugs are active at night and tend to bite uncovered areas of the body, such as the arms, legs, face, hands, and stomach. Their bites are usually painless because they release a chemical that numbs the skin before feeding. After feeding, a bed bug can swell up to eight times its original size and then return to its hiding place.

Bed bugs will mainly attack the parts the body parts that are uncovered and this is very annoying for people. It can leave people itchy and uncomfortable. If you get bit by bed bugs it can leave many people with red spots and spots.

Bed bugs are considered annoying pests and are often only noticed when their activity becomes frequent. Many people mistake bed bug bites for mosquito bites, so it can take weeks or even months to realize that there is a bed bug infestation. The bites typically result in blisters in a clustered pattern and may cause some redness or swelling. However, these symptoms usually only cause discomfort and do not pose significant health risks. If symptoms worsen, it is recommended to consult a doctor or medical professional.

Like other pests, bed bugs are opportunistic feeders. They wait until their host is asleep before they come out to feed. They can be found in various places where people sleep or rest, such as couches and, most commonly, mattresses, particularly in the seams. Detecting a bed bug infestation can be difficult, but it is often identified by black or brown streaks on the mattress, which consist of blood, eggs, and bed bug body parts. They can also hide in the bed frame. It is helpful to inspect the mattress for any irregularities by lifting it.

Getting rid of bed bugs is challenging and usually requires professional assistance. It is strongly recommended to contact licensed and insured professionals from Pest Control Newmarket who have the necessary expertise, equipment, and commercial-grade pesticides for effective bed bug treatment. For more information, call us now!