Top 10 Wasp Attracting Mistakes to Avoid

Top 10 Wasp-Attracting Mistakes to Avoid

Top 10 Things You Should Never Do That Attract Wasps

As the weather gets warmer, you’ll want to spend more time outside. The last thing you want is a wasp swarm to ruin your fun. Wasps are known for being aggressive and giving painful stings, so they can quickly become unwanted guests at your events. To stay away from these biting bugs, you need to know the most common mistakes that can bring them to you. Here are the 10 worst things you can do to keep wasps away:

  • Not covering food and drinks: Wasps are drawn to the smell of food and sweet drinks. If you leave these out in the open outside, they are welcome to join your meal. Use lids, covers, or food nets on all of your food and drinks to keep wasps out.
  • Overripe Fruits: Wasps will be drawn to ripe or fallen fruits in your yard or near where you sit outside. Make sure you quickly pick up and throw away any fruit that has fallen from the trees, and check your trees for fruit that is too ripe.
  • Clothes in bright colours: Wasps are naturally drawn to clothes with flower and bright colours. You might want to wear the brightest clothes for summer, but these bugs are more likely to come to you. Choose clothing that is less flashy if you don’t want to get their attention.
  • Strong, sweet smells like those in perfumes, lotions, and scented candles can draw wasps to you. For events outside, like picnics and barbecues, you might want to use personal care products that don’t have a scent.
  • Garbage Cans That Aren’t Sealed: Wasps are scavengers, and a trash can that isn’t sealed is a free meal for them. There should be a tight fit on the lids of your trash cans to keep wasps out.
  • If you don’t watch over bird feeders, the food and seeds that fall out could bring wasps. Keep your bird boxes clean and empty any seeds that fall out often.
  • Sweet drinks and sodas: Wasps are especially interested in sugary drinks like fruit juices and sodas. To keep wasps from getting inside, drink these outside in clear plastic cups with lids and straws.
  • Swimming pools that aren’t taken care of: The chlorine in swimming pools can bring wasps that are looking for water. Cover your pool when it’s not being used to keep them from getting into the water.
  • Waste and old, rotting wood: Wasps love to nest in waste piles and old, rotting wood. Keep areas with wood and compost away from your main outdoor living areas, and check them often for nests.
  • Picnics in late summer and fall: As wasps get ready for winter, they arrive in big groups in late summer and fall. This is not a good time for parties or other outdoor events because wasps are more likely to be around.

How to Avoid Meeting Wasps

Even though these mistakes are very important to avoid if you want to keep wasps away, you can also do the following:

  • Use Wasp Traps: You can buy or make your own wasp traps to help control the number of wasps in your area.
  • Check out and seal your house: Check the outside of your house often for cracks, gaps, and holes where wasps can build nests. To stop infestations, seal these entry spots.
  • Put in natural deterrents: Wasps don’t like the smell of some plants, like mint and marigolds. You might want to put these in your yard.

To sum up, keeping wasps away requires more than just knowing what draws them in. You also need to take steps to get rid of these annoying bugs. You can enjoy your outdoor activities without wasps bothering you if you don’t make these common mistakes and take preventative steps. If you already have a wasp problem, it’s best to hire a pest control service to get rid of them in a safe and effective way.

Wasp Control Newmarket, We understand that wasps serve a vital role in our ecosystem as beneficial and visually striking insects. They contribute to pollination, control pests, and typically carry out their tasks without causing disruptions to humans.