The Secret Lives of Carpenter Ants Unmasked

The Secret Lives of Carpenter Ants – Unmasked

People often think of carpenter ants (Camponotus spp.) as just annoying pests that eat wood. But their lives are much more complicated and interesting than most people think. Let’s find out what carpenter ants do in secret to learn more about these interesting bugs.

Get to Know the Builders:

With a body length of between 3.4 and 13 mm, carpenter ants are one of the biggest types of ants. The species determines the colour, which can be black, red, brown, or a mix of those colours. The name of these ants comes from how good they are at building things. Carpenter ants make tunnels inside wood, while termites eat it.

The Structure of the Colony:

There are different levels of workers in a carpenter ant colony. The queen, who is the head of the colony, sits at the top. She is in charge of laying eggs and can live for many years. Worker ants, which are female and sterile, make up most of the colony. Their jobs include looking for food, protecting the nest, and making it bigger. There aren’t many male ants, and their only job is to mate with the queen.

Secretive Ways of Nesting:

Unlike termites, carpenter ants don’t eat wood; instead, they dig into it to build complex nests. The best places to find these nests are in wet, rotting wood. Carpenter ants like wood that is damp and weak, and they often get into buildings that have been damaged by water leaks. Ants are very good at keeping their nests hidden, so it can be hard to find them. They build halls with smooth walls and carefully get rid of the wood that they dig up, making sure that no sawdust is left behind. Because of this, it is very hard to find their babies.

The Hunters:

Carpenter ants are omnivores, which means they look for a wide range of foods. They eat bugs, nectar, flowers, and even the honeydew that aphids make. They are usually drawn to sweet things, crumbs, and other easy-to-find food sources in your home. This behaviour of hunting can lead them inside, where they can become a problem.

The Cycle of Life:

Carpenter ants go through a full transformation, going from an egg to a larva to a pupa to an adult. When the queen lays eggs, the eggs hatch into maggots. These young ants are fed by worker ants until they pupate and become adult ants. The lifecycle can last anywhere from a few weeks to a few months, based on things like temperature and food.

Why do carpenter ants get into homes?

Carpenter ants can get into homes, but they mostly do so to find food and a place to live. They are pulled to things that are high in sugar or protein, which are common in kitchens and pantries. If you find carpenter ants in your home, it could mean that there is a bigger problem, like structure damage or too much moisture, that makes your home a good place for them to live.

Getting to know the intruders:

It can be hard to tell when you have a carpenter ant problem. During the spring and summer, look for swarmers, which are flying ants. These people are possible queens and kings of the future who are leaving the colony to start new ones. If you find winged ants inside, it could mean that you have an outbreak.

Getting rid of Carpenter Ants:

Because they are so hidden, dealing with carpenter ants can be hard. Do-it-yourself ways can help with small issues, but a severe infestation usually needs the help of a professional. Professionals who do pest control know how to find nests and use specific treatments to get rid of colonies.

In conclusion, learning about the hidden lives of carpenter ants shows that they are interesting animals with complex social systems. However, these insects are very good at hiding when they want to nest in your home. Knowing how they act and what signs they leave behind can help you protect your home from these wood-eating bugs.

At Ant Control Newmarket, we are well aware of all the risks associated with ants. However, when it comes to ant trouble, no infestation is too big for us. Our technicians are fully licensed and insure and know everything there is to know about ants, right from identifying the species to the proper process of exterminating them.