Residential Ant Infestations Causes and Cures

Residential Ant Infestations – Causes and Cures

Ants are one of the most common bugs that can get into your home at any time of the year. Even though these tiny bugs might seem innocent, a home invasion of them can quickly become a big problem. To get rid of these pesky guests successfully, you need to know what causes ant infestations and how to get rid of them.

Ant infestations in homes are caused by:

  • Access Points: Ants can get into your home through very small holes and cracks. Gaps around doors and windows, utility holes, and cracks in the base are all common places for bugs to get in.
  • Ants are mostly drawn to your home because it has food for them. They have a great sense of smell and can pick up even the smallest crumbs. Kitchens and eating rooms are often the first places that people break in.
  • Water Sources: Ants need water to live, just like all other living things. Ants that are thirsty may be drawn to water sources like pipes, taps, or even pet water bowls that leak.
  • Ants build their nests in many places, such as in wall gaps, behind baseboards, in insulation, or in the ground outside. Finding and getting rid of these nests is very important for control to work.
  • Factors in the environment: Some types of ants are more common in some places. If you know what kind of ants live in your area and how they act, you can get rid of them more effectively.

How to get rid of ant problems in your home:

  • Keep your home clean: ants are less likely to come into a clean home. Clean your kitchen, dining room, and any other area where food is often every day. Make sure to clean everything and pick up any crumbs.
  • Seal Entry Points: Give your house a full check to find and seal any possible entry points. Fill in the gaps around your doors and windows with caulk, and think about getting weather stripping to keep ants out.
  • Get rid of sources of food and water. Keep food in containers that keep air out and clean up spills and crumbs right away. Fix any leaks and make sure the pet bowls are always dry and clean.
  • Use baits and traps for ants. Ant baits work to keep ants away from your home and kill them there. They can also be slowed down by traps. Wait a little while longer; these ways may not work right away.
  • Professional Pest Control: If you have a problem with ants that won’t go away or is too big for you to handle yourself, you might want to hire a professional pest control service. They know how to get rid of ants successfully and have the right tools for the job.
  • Natural Remedies: If you’d rather use natural methods, there are a number of things that ants don’t like. Some of these are cinnamon, vinegar, and lemon juice. Putting these up along ant trails or entry places can help keep them away.

This is very important:

Keeping ants out of your home is the best way to deal with them when they do show up. Check your home often for ant signs or possible entry points. You can greatly lower the chance of getting ants in your home by keeping it clean and well-sealed.

As a conclusion:

A lot of people have problems with ants in their homes, but they can be controlled and stopped. The first thing you can do to keep your home ant-free is to learn what causes these outbreaks and how to get rid of them. If you keep your home clean, seal off any possible entry spots, and use the right pest control methods, you can live without pests.

Ant Control Newmarket, we are well aware of all the risks associated with ants. However, when it comes to ant trouble, no infestation is too big for us. Our technicians are fully licensed and insure and know everything there is to know about ants, right from identifying the species to the proper process of exterminating them.