Preventing Wasp Nests in Your Home

Preventing Wasp Nests in Your Home

Now that summer is here, many people are going to the beach and having parties. However, this is also the best time for wasps to come into your home. Wasps flying around your house or, worse, making nests in your eaves or walls is the worst thing that can happen on a sunny day. Make sure these biting bugs don’t move into your house by following these steps.

  1. Seal all points of entry:

Sealing off any possible entry places is the first and most important thing that you can do to stop wasp nests. Wasps are very small, but they are very good at finding even the smallest cracks and holes in the outside of your home. Every so often, look for cracks and gaps in your doors, windows, and home’s base. Seal these spots with glue or weather stripping to make it hard for wasps to get inside.

  1. Keep your yard clean:

Wasps like all kinds of food, not just the kind you eat. Make sure to clean up any spills and crumbs from eating outside because they like sweets and meat. Outside, don’t leave food or drinks with a lot of sugar. Keep the lids on your trash cans closed, and think about buying ones with tight-fitting lids. Wasps looking for food are less likely to come to a clean yard.

  1. Take care of your garden:

Wasps are also drawn to plants with flowers. It’s nice to have a yard full of flowers, but you might want to plant flowers that these bugs don’t like as much. Wasps are known to stay away from marigolds, geraniums, and mint. Wasps are also drawn to parts of your garden that are overgrown and full of weeds, so keep it trimmed and in good shape.

  1. Don’t give them things to use for nesting:

Wasps use wood fibres mixed with their own saliva to build their homes. Don’t give them things they can use to make nests. If your home has wood that isn’t coated or that has been worn down, you might want to give it a new coat of paint. Paint makes wasps less likely to chew on things.

  1. Put up wasp traps:

You might want to put wasp traps around your home. These are made to get wasps’ attention and catch them without using dangerous chemicals. Just make sure to put them away from places where you and your family hang out so that they don’t bring wasps closer to your house.

  1. Check on your property often:

Do not forget to check your property for early signs of wasp activity. Look for small nests or queen wasps looking for places to lay their eggs. It’s easier to get rid of wasp problems if you catch them early.

Wasp Control Newmarket, We understand that wasps serve a vital role in our ecosystem as beneficial and visually striking insects. They contribute to pollination, control pests, and typically carry out their tasks without causing disruptions to humans.