Pavement Ants Creeping into Your Kitchen 5 Steps to Take

Pavement Ants – Creeping into Your Kitchen – 5 Steps to Take

Your kitchen should be a safe place where you can make delicious food and spend time with your family. But if pavement ants decide to use it as a playground, it can quickly become an unwelcome battlefield. These tiny thieves are known to break into homes, especially kitchens. We’ll talk about why pavement ants love our homes and give you five important things to do if they decide to make your house their home.

Why Pavement Ants Like Kitchens:

  • One type of ant that often gets into homes is the pavement ant. They like cooking for a number of reasons:
  • Food Sources: If there are crumbs on the table or spills in the pantry, there is a lot of food in the kitchen. Pavement ants are great at finding food, and they can find even the smallest pieces.
  • Also, these ants are drawn to wet places. They are drawn to things like leaky faucets, damp sponges, and wet dish towels.
  • Comfort: Kitchens are warmer than other rooms in the house, which makes them a good place for sidewalk ants to build their nests.

How to Get Rid of Pavement Ants in 5 Easy Steps:

  • Figure Out What the Problem Is: The first thing you need to do is make sure you have street ants. These ants are small, dark brown or black, and their legs are often light coloured. If you’re not sure, ask a professional about how to identify the pest.
  • Keep things clean; pavement ants can’t stay away from food crumbs. Make sure there are no spills in the kitchen. Clean the counters, sweep the floors, and empty the trash cans often.
  • Pavement ants can get in through small cracks and holes, so seal them off. Carefully look around your kitchen for places people could get in, and then seal them off with glue.
  • Use baits. Ant baits are a good way to get rid of the whole colony. For ant paths and possible nest sites, put baits close by. Wait a little while; it might take that long to work.
  • Talk to a professional in pest control: If the sidewalk ants are really bad or won’t go away, it’s time to call in the pros. Professional pest control services can figure out how bad the problem is and treat it properly.

Stopping Future Infestations:

  • Regular Maintenance: Do regular maintenance on your home, like fixing any leaks and cracks. This will make it less likely for sidewalk ants to come in.
  • Food Storage: To keep ants from getting to their favourite food sources, store food in cases that don’t let air in.
  • Trim the plants. Pavement ants often use twigs to get in. Cut back any plants that touch your house to get rid of these natural links.
  • Professional Pest Control: To keep sidewalk ants and other pests away, think about getting regular pest control services.

For the record, pavement ants are stubborn pests that can make your kitchen their playground. You can get back control of your kitchen and make it ant-free by following these steps. Remember that keeping your kitchen clean is the best way to keep these tiny pests away, and if you need extra help getting rid of your unwanted guests, you can always call a professional pest control service.

Ant Control Newmarket, we are well aware of all the risks associated with ants. However, when it comes to ant trouble, no infestation is too big for us. Our technicians are fully licensed and insure and know everything there is to know about ants, right from identifying the species to the proper process of exterminating them.