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How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs

The bed bug is a parasitic insect with a flattened body and six legs. It is characterized by its entirely brown body and mandibles located at the front of its head. Due to their similar appearance, bed bugs are often mistaken for termites. These nocturnal insects feed on the blood of sleeping individuals, primarily targeting uncovered areas such as the arms, legs, face, hands, and stomach.

If you have bed bug issues in your property and want to get rid of them, hire the fully licensed and insured professionals from Pest Control Newmarket

Many people suspect something is out of the ordinary but will continue to ignore the issue until the issue is persistent. Many people will have difficulty identifying the issue with accuracy which leads to delayed treatment. During this time, people might experience trouble sleeping and functioning at optimal levels, therefore it is recommended to contact a professional pest control service as soon as possible.

When a bed bug bites, it typically goes unnoticed as the insect releases a skin-numbing chemical prior to piercing the skin with its needle-like mouthpart. This chemical prevents any pain or immediate sensation during the blood meal. After feeding, a bed bug can swell up to eight times its original size before returning to its nest.

Bed bug bites usually appear as raised bumps, similar to mosquito bites, but they tend to occur in unusual places. Mosquito bites are commonly found on exposed areas such as the stomach, arms, feet, legs, and face. Recognizing this pattern can help identify potential bed bug bites. However, it may take several weeks or even months to correctly identify these bites.

If you want to alleviate the symptoms of bed bug bites, there are a few methods you can try at home, although it is advisable to consult a licensed medical practitioner for appropriate advice. Here are some home remedies that people have found effective:

  1. Start by washing the affected area with warm water and soap, then apply a cold ice pack to reduce swelling.
  2. For itchiness and swelling reduction, you can apply a few drops of eucalyptus oil to the bite and gently rub it with a tissue.
  3. Lemons can also help with inflammation caused by bed bug bites. Soak a cotton ball in lemon juice and softly apply it to the affected area.

If you suspect a bed bug infestation and require inspection and treatment, it is recommended to contact professionals such as Pest Control Newmarket at 905-581-3776