
Early Signs of Bed Bugs

Dealing with a bed bug infestation can be a challenging task, as these pests are very more than often difficult to spot and identify. Many people find themselves unaware of the issue until it starts to bother them profusely.

If you suspect bed bugs in your home and need an inspection, contact the professional exterminators from Pest Control Newmarket for a detailed interior inspection.

Bed bugs have a skill for hiding in a range of areas where people sleep or rest, with the bed and couch being their preferred spots. However, they can also be found in unexpected places such as screw heads, wall corners, baseboards, curtain folds, electrical outlets, and more.

So, how can you determine if you have a bed bug problem and how do you identify the signs?

The first indication for most people is the direct impact on their health. Getting bitten or noticing skin bumps can be a clear signal that something is not right. People who are unaware of the signs, often misdiagnose the issue as being the fault of other insects such as mosquitoes. This can lead to a longer time properly identifying as a bed bug infestation.

In the summertime, when bug activity is high, confusion can further complicate matters. It may take weeks or even months before realizing that a bed bug infestation is the culprit since, in that time, many mosquitoes are active indoors.

To start recognizing the signs, it is crucial to know what you’re looking for in the first place. Bed bugs have a flat, oval-shaped body, brown in colour, with six legs, two antennae, and a mouthpiece resembling mandibles. These tiny insects are difficult to spot with the naked eye and can be similar in size to an apple seed.

Here are some indicators to look out for when identifying bed bug signs:

  1. Thoroughly inspect the seams of your mattress.
  2. Check all sides of the mattress.
  3. Examine bed frames for any signs of infestation.
  4. Look for brown to black streaks on bedding, which can be a mixture of blood, body parts, and exoskeletons crushed during feeding.
  5. Keep an eye out for red, raised bumps in clusters on exposed parts of your body after sleep, such as arms, face, legs, stomach, and feet.

If you suspect a bed bug infestation, it is crucial to seek professional help. Contact a licensed and insured pest control expert, like Pest Newmarket, who possesses the necessary expertise, equipment, and effective treatments to eliminate bed bugs. For more information on our reliable bed bug extermination services, please reach out to our knowledgeable service representatives at 905-581-3776.

Remember, early detection and prompt action are key to effectively dealing with bed bug infestations and ensuring a comfortable and pest-free environment.