Can Bed Bugs Live in Wood Furniture

Don’t Let Bed Bugs Ruin Your Furniture: Protection Tips

Bed bugs are tiny insects that come out at night and feed on human blood. They can make it hard to sleep and can also damage your furniture. These pests can get into your couches, chairs, and other soft furniture and make you feel bad. If you want to keep bed bugs from getting into your furniture, you need to know how they behave and follow some useful tips.

Understanding How Bed Bugs Act

Before we talk about how to keep bed bugs away, let’s take a quick look at how they behave:

  • Bed bugs are great at hitchhiking, according to Hitchhiking Masters. They usually get into your house through clothes, bags, or used furniture. It’s important to be careful when taking new things into your home.
  • “Hide and Seek” Bed bugs are very good at hiding. They make their nests in cracks, crevices, and other small places near where people sit. They like to hide in seams, folds, and under cushions on your furniture.
  • Night Feeders Bed bugs are most busy at night, when you’re not awake. There are itchy bite marks where they used to hide. They come out to feed on your blood.

How to Keep Your Furniture Safe

Here are some good ways to keep your furniture safe from bed bugs now that you know how they act:

  • Check Out Used Furniture Do a full check out of any used furniture you want to bring into your home before you buy it. Pay close attention to the bends, seams, and cracks. Look for tiny bloodstains, feces spots, or skins that have been shed that show you have bed bugs.
  • Use Covers That Keep Bed Bugs Out You might want to cover your pillows and box springs with covers that keep bed bugs out. Because they are made to keep bed bugs out, these covers can add an extra layer of safety to your sleeping area.
  • Minimize Clutter Get rid of as much clutter as possible in your home, especially in the living room and beds. Clutter gives bed bugs more places to hide, which makes it harder to find and treat outbreaks.
  • Regular Cleaning  It’s important to clean often. Pay extra attention to seams, folds, and wrinkles when you vacuum upholstered furniture. Put the vacuum bag or canister’s contents into a plastic bag that can’t be opened, and throw it away right away.
  • Check Your bags While Travelling Bed bugs often get into your bags while you’re away. Check your room for signs of bed bugs when you stay in a hotel or other place to stay. Place your bags on racks or storage boxes instead of the floor to keep them off the ground.
  • Seal Cracks and Holes Look for cracks and holes in your furniture where bed bugs could hide. Fill in any gaps with caulk or another suitable filler to reduce the number of places where people could hide.
  • Educate yourself Learn how to spot the signs of a bed bug problem. If you know what to look for, you can find a problem early on, which makes it easier to fix.
  • Quick Action If you think you have bed bugs, you need to move right away. Separate the infected things and use high heat to wash and dry the bedding. Get in touch with a professional pest control service to do a full check and treatment.
  • Checking Your Furniture Regularly Even if you’ve never had bed bugs before, check your furniture every so often for signs of them. Finding a small problem early on is important to keep it from growing into a big one.

If you follow these safety tips and are careful, you can greatly lower the chance that bed bugs will get into your furniture. Always keep in mind that getting rid of bed bugs before they get out is usually easier and cheaper than dealing with an invasion. Do not let these annoying bugs damage your furniture or your peace of mind.

Bed Bug Control Newmarket, we understand just how revolting and disturbing a bed bug infestation can be. Therefore, we have devised perfect procedures to not only exterminate the current population of adult bed bugs in your home but also to prevent a repeat infestation led by the nymphs and eggs.